Monday, December 24, 2007

We put the "fun" in dysfunctional!

Those are the famous words that my uncle always utters (or yells depending on the average BAC level of the room) at family get-togethers. I just love the holidays. Whether it's everyone getting drunk (except me since I'm pretty much a teetotaler) or everyone getting drunk, the holidays are just a warm time for us all. Unless you're sober. Nothing is worse then being sober in a room full of drunks. Not only are they loud, but they're red-faced and in your face. Rude and crude. Resplendent in their praises and despondent in their rationality.

To be fair, I love my family. I'm a family man and I think that there is nothing more important than family. However, being the only sober person at family gatherings can be a little alienating and even humiliating. Alienating because you don't find the jokes that Uncle Walter told about the RV trip to Intercourse, PA to be all that funny --hehe. Humiliating because your parents always have to sing your exploits. Like how you managed to hook up the speakers for them or buy something from iTunes.

It's good to be home. It always makes me feel good and warms my heart to see family and friends again after a long time. Yes, I ACTUALLY have a heart although you wont see it again for another 365 days so enjoy it. But I digress. Being home is fun but it is also sad and, for me, a little disheartening. Sad because you realize that after being away from home you never really can go back. People change, places change and most importantly, you change. It doesn't feel the same anymore. I feel like sometimes I'm an impostor living in my past when I return home.

But hey, today it was 61 degrees and clear and tomorrow it's going to be the same. So there is something nice. Although it's a full day with the extended family and my girlfriend's family/friends. Oh god get me back to DC.

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